Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Anak Kampung is Going to go Home

Wow! It is a word that I want to say at this time. Today is an amazing day. I have waited it for so long time. I will go back to my hometown. It is time for a nice holiday. I have missed my hometown so much. I am very happy. I believe today i will make an pleasure trip.
My hometown is in West Borneo. To go there, it takes two days from Pontianak airport. Can you imagine how far it is? I haven't been there for three years. I believe many changes are making there.
By the way, now I'm at Yogyakarta. I will go from Yogyakarta by a plane at 05.00 P.M.I predict that I will be in Pontianak Airport at 7.00 P.M.
Hem, my classmates make funny by giving me some requests. Some of them want me to bring tuak, when I come back here. Do you know tuak? Tuak is an alcohol drink that is made by my tribe, Dayaknese. It is made from water fermentation that is made by a tuak tree. 
I hope God will show you what it is. :D
If you drink tuak, you will be like this picture:D 
I am making you a joke, don't be really serious.
OK I will prepare for my long trip. Pray for me. Have a nice holiday you, all.!

Visiting My Mother

Yesterday was a Friday night, it was 21-12-2012. Many people believe the day was an end of the world. I thought that no body could predict the end of the world. Hence, I didn't really care about the prediction.
Many people was worried yesterday, but I had an interesting experience on that day. I ended the day by visiting Mother Maria in Gua Maria, Sendang Sono, Yogyakarta.
I started to go to the place at 7.00 P.M. I did my visiting with my friends. It took about two hours to come there. It was an interesting place. It seemed very nice for praying. When I was there, I could enjoy my night.
My friends said that many people usually go to there, but that night nobody came. We were only the visitors. But, it made me happy. I could pray well, right?
We started to pray at 11.00 P.M. Actually we wanted to come back home at 03.00 A.M. But we couldn't do it. Because of the silence we slept well. Finally, we got up at 05.00 A.M.
Absolutely, I cannot reject the fact. God has an interesting power.
We are in this picture.

Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

A Peace Offering

Hey! I got a life lesson today, let me share you this interesting experience.
My boarding house friend was very angry with me a week ago. He said "Why do you always break my morning by playing music loudly. It makes me crazy every morning!" he shouted me.
I just kept calm, because I knew him. Although I wanted to shout back, but I never did it. Inside my mind I wanted to defend myself, but I tried to control my self and think wisely.

A week passed. This morning the man played music loudly, maybe he forgot what he did a week ago. I tried to open my door-my door is in front of his room-. He looked at me, but I still did what I had did before.
He said nothing. We did everything as usual as we acted. On the afternoon I was in my room, he came to me. He seemed very kind by making a joke and laughing this afternoon. Before it happened he had acted as he never knew me. Today he was very kind I think he was making a peace offering.
I learn that this is a life. If I can forgive, I will touch the happiness and the peace. :D

Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Dreams and Money

A dream is important in our life. I imagine that people who don't have a dream are like a ship without its captain. I have a lot of big dreams in my life. Let me share you my interesting dreams. I hope you will pray for me to get the dreams.
First, I want to work in an advantageous company if I graduate from my university. If I work in the company, I can make money for my family and myself. I know that money cannot buy happiness, but it can buy an ice cream which is basically the same thing for me. It seems that money is very important, right? 
Second, I want to build a free school for children in my village, if I have a lot of money. A lot of parents in my village has a wrong thought about their children education. Most of the parents think that working in their farm is most important than getting an education. So they don't really care about their children education. If I can build a free school, I hope the parents will think again about their children education.
I have lots of dreams in my life. It supports me to be successful. I like what Agnes Monica sings in her new song. I am young, I can do it. Yeah I know that sometimes my life will taste bitter or sweet. But I believe, if I believe in God and myself, I can keep on walking!